Introduction to Python

1 min readJun 3, 2022

What is Python??

Python is a high-level object-oriented programming language that was created by Guido van Rossum. It is also called general-purpose programming language as it is used in almost every domain we can think of as mentioned below:

  • Web Development
  • Software Development
  • Game Development
  • AI & ML
  • Data Analytics

Why Python Programming?

Every Programming language serves some purpose or use case according to a domain. for eg, Javascript is the most popular language amongst web developers as it gives the developer the power to handle applications via different frameworks like react, vue, and angular which are used to build beautiful User Interfaces. Similarly, they have pros and cons at the same time. so if we consider python it is general-purpose which means it is widely used in every domain the reason is it’s very simple to understand, and scalable because of which the speed of development is so fast. Now you get the idea why besides learn python it doesn’t require any programming background so that’s why it’s popular amongst developers as well. Python has simpler syntax similar to the English language and also the syntax allows developers to write programs with fewer lines of code. Since it is open-source there are many libraries available that make developers’ jobs easy ultimately results in high productivity. They can easily focus on business logic and Its demanding skills in the digital era where information is available in large data sets.




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